# Using SCP Transfer
- scp -P 2322 file.txt calvchen@
# Folder Accesibility
- chmod 755 --- rwx = 4 + 2 + 1
# Count Files under directory
- ls | wc -l
# Folder Size
- du -sh * # or
- du -h --max-depth=1
# Find files not end with sth
- find . -not -name "*.jpg"
# Find command
- which or whereis
# atb_mod_01.cpp atb_mod_02.cpp atb_mod_03.cpp atb_mod_04.cpp
rename mod adb * #
# atb_adb_01.cpp atb_adb_02.cpp atb_adb_03.cpp atb_adb_04.cpp
I -- Edit mode
: -- Command # e.g. :wq
q -- exit
w -- reserve
o -- insert a blank line in view mode
gg -- Move the first line
G -- Move the last line
d -- Delete mode # e.g. ggdG
y -- Copy mode # e.g. ggyG, copy the selected content to cache
yy -- Copy whole line # 3yy for copy 3 lines
p -- Paste
/ -- find text, n(next), N(last)
/hello\> --- find start with hello
/^hello --- find head of the line
/world$ --- find end of the line
u -- undo
Ctrl + r -- Redo (not confirmed)
w --- next word
b --- last word
CTRL + a --- first word
CTRL + e --- end word
)( --- move by sentense
CTRL + w --- delete the left word
CTRL + k --- clean the word to the right
SHIFT + PageUp/ PageDwon
fx - jump to the previous occurrence of character x
Fx - jump to the previous occurrence of character x
# Find cmd history
- CTRL + r
# Diff files
# -y indicates parallel display, -W for the display width
- diff log2014.log log2013.log -b -B -H -y -W 50
# Generate SSH
- ssh-keygen
# find files with string inside
- grep -r "string" dir
# Search by tag
- grep MYDEBUG file1 file2 -r | grep -v TAG
# find conditions and save to files
- grep -E "some thing|some other thing" origin.txt >> target.txt
# User Env
- vim ~/.bashrc --- check env variable
# Make Alias
- vim ~/.bashrc
- alias home="cd /home/calvchen"
- source ~/.bashrc
# zip
# Handling Zip Bomb
zip -FF --out -fz
# tar
tar --jcv -f filename.tar.bz2 文件 压缩
tar -jxv -f file.tar.bz2 -C 解压缩
tar -jtv -f 文件 查看